Valentines Event is Back!

Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by Endivinity

Hello everyone! With it being February, we've decided it's a good time to host the leech splicing event once more!

In this event, the official artists are offering limited special customs based on two (or more!) leech parents. We will take aspects/traits from the parents and create a NEW leech monster design!
The design itself will have a tadpole and an adult form, and it will be a completely random mishmash of the parents so that it can stand alone as its own design!

Once you've submitted a form, it's not guaranteed you'll be picked, but the designer team will try to accept each form (last time we got all of them!).
We will be considering any specified designer preferences, but please be aware it's not a guarantee that a specific artist will make your design.

Because every artist will be picking 1 form to work on at a time, don't be discouraged if you don't get picked straight away! Once a designer is done with their current custom/s, they will choose a new one from the unclaimed forms.

At the moment of posting this, the #valentines-event-seeking channel should be up and running in the discord; you can use this channel to seek splicing partners.

  • These are a set-price partial custom design. As such, any resulting offspring must be paid for fully - no split payments, as there is no split ownership. You may pay for someone else to receive one if you wish, but clarify this in the form!
  • 2 to 4 leeches are required to act as the “parents”. Up to 4 people can team up per batch.
  • This event requires at least two parents, at least one has to be your own (so if you want to keep it just between your own leeches, you can!). You can post a seeking splicing partner ad in the discord. You are forbidden from using someone else's leeches without permission! 
  • One spliced tadpole per person participating.
  • You can request trait preferences for your spliced baby, but there isn’t a guarantee they will be rolled or used.
  • You will have the choice to tradebind the baby with your adult. (they will only be able to be traded together)
  • While you don't have to outsource one of your leech parents to one owned by someone else, you can! This user can either simply volunteer their leech as a parent without getting a spliced baby for themselves, or they can pay to participate and get their own new leech from the pair.
  • NPC leeches cannot be used as parents.
Trait Inheritance Rates:
Pair rates are calculated per batch:

Class inheritance:

Saltie x saltie - 100%
Saltie x anything else - 30%
Cavie x cavie - 80%
Cavie x anything else - 20%
Lux x lux - 60%
Lux x anything else - 10%

Rare trait being passed down (per trait):

Myth trait- 70%
Potion trait - 60%
Unlisted trait - 30%
Class specific trait - 30%
Each slot is $80! You will be receiving an adult form and a tadpole form.  
1 slot = 1 offspring
note: you can comment this form either here on the news post or in the discord at #valentines-event-claims.

Participating members:
(mention yourself and the owner/s of the leech parents. Please clarify who's getting a baby and who's just a volunteer!)
Participating parent leeches: (link their ML entries)
Shape: Anthro/Feral/Either
Additional info/requests:
Participating Artists:

occulticZincuddlefish ; h8bringer;

fleshh ; sparklyowlguts ; Will;

endivinity ; studiomaz

Example from the last event:



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