Site News

[CLOSED] cave class item + Myo slot sale

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Admin

The transmutation waver is now active!

If you bought this item during the event you can now use it on existing designs/myo slots to turn them into the cave subspecies! Like with all other upgrade items, you just need to attach it during the myo/redesign approval.


 All the exclusive cave subspecies traits can be seen in the encyclopedia and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask about it in the discord.

Were also hostING a flash 48hr MYO sale!

open until March 21st 3pm EST

[MYO creation guide + Rules]

[Leech Monster Beginners guide]

[Species T.O.S]


normal MYO - 25$


saltwater MYO - 45$


UPGRADE ITEM - Transmutation waver - 30$


- 3 myo slots max per person 

- 1 transmutation waver per person

- You may buy the slot for someone else from the get-go

- You may gift your myo slot

- After a slot has been traded or gifted, its no longer resellable. 

Once purchased, these myo slots will be uploaded onto the website

MYO slot sale [CLOSED]

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Admin

The sale will be open until Oct 31st.

[MYO creation guide + Rules]

[Leech Monster Beginners guide]

[Species T.O.S]


Normal MYO: 25$


Saltwater MYO: 45$


Myth gacha ticket 5$ (5 max per slot)

(website users only, gives you a myth trait of a random rarity)
(If you only want gacha tickets without a myo slot, you can buy a one time pack of 5)



- Comment either here or on discord to buy

- 3 myo slots max per person (legendary is 1 per person)

- You may buy the slot for someone else from the get-go

- You may gift your myo slot

- After a slot has been traded or gifted, its no longer resellable. 

Once purchased, these myo slots will be uploaded onto the website

Jinx is missing: END

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Admin

All of the prompts/shop updates have officially been rolled out, but don't worry if you're not finished with them yet; The event will run until November 30th.

The MYO + myth gacha sale will be opened in a separate post shortly after this news post goes up

last prompt: The Find
if you've completed all 3 branching prompts, submit an empty entry to this prompt to recieve the event trophy.

But now that we can finally talk about it... Yes! There is a new sub-species coming to the site, a cave variant of leech monsters

We will be slowly updating the site to add the cave subspecies information. In the future an item that'll turn your leech or myo slot into a cave leech monster will be available! For now, let us start the introduction for cave leeches with this little info sheet.


Jinx is missing; START

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Admin
Update: New prompts have been added!


The "Jinx is missing" halloween event requires you to choose between branching prompts and complete the ones in your path to earn currency and special items. 

Choose your path wisely, because there’s no going back to change it! You’ll have to complete all the prompts if you want to receive the neat event trophy.

You also cannot skip prompts! You have to complete them in order if you want to earn all the available currency/items.

1st prompt; Available Oct 1st. A strange new shop has appeared!

2nd prompts: Available Oct 8th

3d last art prompts: Available Oct 15th

4th “completion” prompt: Available Oct 22nd, alongside a myo slot sale!

the story so far: last updated October 15th.

(open spoiler)

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Jinx's shop has sat empty for a month, with only a very odd cloth doll left in her place.
Snacks from other peoples' purchases sit piled on a nearby table, slowly turning into a dusty-sticky lump from where they've been untouched this entire time.
On this visit, however, you noticed a scrawled parchment nailed to the front door: a notice of expedition to find the missing shopkeeper!
The note says the expedition is set to depart on October 1st, so be ready!

The Hunt Begins / Cave Entrance - PROMPT 1

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There's nothing suspicious inside the shop, but outside there appear to be several tracks!

There are some by the window – this must be whoever left the doll.
Whatever made these doesn't seem to have the usual weight distribution of a standard leech and the placement suggests an odd gait, as if the creature that made them was... bigger. Longer.
They don't appear to lead anywhere.
You find Jinx's footprints, much steadier, and quite heavy as if she were weighed down by carrying supplies or potions. Perhaps it was a business venture? She left a very clear trail nonetheless, so you decide to follow.
The tracks head straight out into the wilderness.
As you travel further and further away from home, you notice less and less signs of wildlife. Eventually, even the birds seem to have vanished; there's no singing at all. Nothing but the sound of wind in the trees.

Ahead you notice a dark shape.
It's a cave.
A huge, very odd-looking cave that seems to yawn out of the ground. The stalactites at the entrance almost seem like teeth... but you're sure you're imagining it. Of course caves don't bite.
Besides, Jinx's pawprints head right inside, without any hesitation!


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After looking around the entrance, you deem it safe enough to venture inside. You can't shake the feeling that there's something.... off about this cave, but you have a mystery to solve! No time for second guessing!
Jinx's tracks fade as the floor gives way from dirt to stone, but there's no other way she could've gone but onward, a decision further supported when you find a lantern filled with strange, glowing orbs suspended in fluid, sitting abandoned on the ground. You decide to take it; it's quite dark ahead.
The cave's rock is unlike any you've ever seen or felt before. Tapping on it reveals an odd hollow sound, like it's porous. You suppress the urge to lick it.
A little ways further, there are two holes you can squeeze through.


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An earthy smell and soft blue glow lead you to a tunnel absolutely covered in flourishing bioluminescent mushrooms! The rock grows in weird little fingers that make travel difficult, but you feel like it's worth it just to see this.

They get larger and more numerous as you progress and you soon find yourself entranced by the sight of them; there'll surely be a lot more if you keep going! - but you're broken out of your reverie by a horrible echoing scream coming from deeper in the cave.


 Mushroom Path: Mushroom Break / The Screams

The screams aren't constant, but they're loud and long enough that it's definitely not the wind – something else is in this cave with you.

Maybe it's Jinx?

There are slithering, darting shadows ahead, just out of sight, and suddenly you don't feel as safe as you were when you first ventured in.


Mushroom break

Thoroughly unnerved, you decide to linger in the safe light of the mushrooms. Planting yourself firmly down on visible ground, you take a look at your surroundings.

The fungi are glowing strongly, interspersed with softly-lit moss, and the ceiling is hung with what looks like strung jewels. You think they're glow worms, or at least something similar.

An experimental sniff reveals the mushrooms to smell... oddly delicious. Maybe they're edible? You decide to try them while you're here.

--------- ALT PATH --------- 

the screams


Feeling brave, you decide to push onward. Weird shadows and sounds can't hurt you! Besides, if it's Jinx screaming, maybe you can save her?

As soon as you leave the light of the mushrooms, however, the flickering shapes suddenly blur into a frenzy. You can't see them at all, but it's like the cave walls are alive with something fast and snakeline, and there's a lot of them.

Locked in a trance, you're broken out of it by the loudest scream yet as one of the shadows swoops right above your head.

It's definitely not Jinx making those noises; it's these creatures. Fight or flight kicks in!


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Not only is there a constant warm draft carrying an indescribable stench, this path is almost impossible to see in. Your previously-scrapped theories on the cave's 'teeth' suddenly seem a little more believable.

You quickly lose sight of the entrance but turning around to try and find it again seems like a bad idea that will only get you impossibly lost. The lantern illuminates the walls closest to you, but seems to barely make a dent in the solid blackness. You have the distinct impression you're being watched.

dark path: Cursed lake / The back door

After fumbling your way through the dark a considerable way, the path eventually opens up into a huge cavern. It's pleasantly warm, and the odd smell is at its strongest here, seemingly originating from a massive lake that dominates the majority of the room. The water – if that's what it is – is steaming, and has stained the surrounding cave structure pink.


Cursed lake

Ignoring all reason, you decide to touch the lake surface.

It's very warm, like a hot spring, and even from the brief contact your skin feels tingly. When it drips from your skin it's a little slimy, but you figure it's some sort of algae bloom from geothermal chemicals. Why else would everything in here be pink?

Feeling quite bold about your discovery, you decide to take a dip in the lake!

Splashing about, you have a great time, especially when your play results in the discovery of further smaller pools all connected by a river that flows steadily onward.

--------- ALT PATH --------- 

The back door

Clearly the lake isn't safe to drink from and you're not sure it should even be touched. You wouldn't be surprised if Jinx came here to bottle the stuff, and vow to avoid any steaming pink water she might stock in the future.

Venturing around the edge, you find another passage away from the suspicious lake that heads off into a labyrinthine passage. Following it for a long time, you begin to wonder if there'll ever be an end to all these tiny twists and turns in the rock, when it suddenly opens out into another cavern – this time brightly lit, as its ceiling has fallen in, revealing the sky!

The walls are too high to climb out here, but at the end of the chamber is a hole you can probably fit through if you wriggle. For now, you enjoy the sunlight and fresh air.

Event: Jinx is missing!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Admin

Jinx is Missing!

Jinx's shop has sat empty for a month, with only a very odd cloth doll left in her place.

Snacks from other peoples' purchases sit piled on a nearby table, slowly turning into a dusty-sticky lump from where they've been untouched this entire time.

On this visit, however, you noticed a scrawled parchment nailed to the front door: a notice of expedition to find the missing shopkeeper!


The note says the expedition is set to depart on October 1st, so be ready!


This event will be a user-participation, month-long expedition with progress being completed through unique branching artwork prompts.

As each week passes, new further prompts will be made available. New prompts cannot be completed until the one prior to it has been done.

With the amount of participants on the expedition, it's bound to succeed - but there are exclusive rewards for every prompt you complete, so be thorough in your exploration.

GA apps are open!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Admin
Interested in leech monsters, or just designing monsters in general? Why not apply and make some for sale! If you're interested in guest designing for the species, this is where you can apply.

- Adopts will need to be mostly flatcolor, but can have minimal shading and lighting as long as the patterns and colors remain obvious and aren’t difficult to color pick!

- The base price for leech monsters is 45$, please don’t go lower without discussing it with me first!

- SB lower than 45$ on auctions is no problem.

- You will be allowed to make up to 4 leeches in one batch for flatsale or auction.

- 10% from each sale (after PP fees) will be going to the species owner

- Every leech batch should be passed by me (occultic) for approval before you post em! The description needs to link back to the group, have the artist/group tos and the ML enties linked.

The traits and classes you can use

You can choose from the wild/pet/mount/saltwater classes and use any listed normal traits + 3 max listed mythical trait per leech

- You can see all the listed traits on the encyclopedia

- Please be aware of the group rules/terms of service

Application Form:

A small introduction:

Examples of recent work/designs:

Example of your leech art, if applicable:

Your discord: opt, easier to pass wips this way



I'll be looking for 1-4 designs per applicant, but you can apply even if you applied before, and you can apply again in the future.

If there's a friend you think would want to apply, feel free to tag them!

Please don't be discouraged if I don't note/dm you right away, since there will be a queue if we get multiple applicants

Please ask if you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them for you.

Valentines Event-PENDING

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Admin



Participating members: (mention yourself and the owner/s of the leech parents. Please clarify who's getting a baby and who's just a volunteer!)

Participating parent leeches: (link their ML entries)

Additional info/requests:


In this event the official artists are offering limited special customs based on two (or more!) leech parents. We will take aspects/traits from the parents and create a NEW leech monster design!

The design itself will have a tadpole and an adult form, and it will be a completely random mishmash of the parents so that it can stand alone as its own design! 


  • 2 to 4 leeches are required to act as the “parents”. Up to 4 people can team up per batch.
  • This event requires at least two people to volunteer at least 1 leech from each side as a parent. You can post a seeking splicing partner ad in the discord or DA group!
  • One spliced tadpole per person participating.
  • You can request traits for your spliced baby, but there isn’t a guarantee they will be used.
  • You will have the choice to tradebind the baby with your adult. (they will only be able to be traded together)

As mentioned before, if you want to participate you will need to get at least a second parent leech from a different user. This user can either simply volunteer their leech as a parent without getting a spliced baby for themselves, or they can pay to participate and get their own tadpole from the pair. TDLR; If you want a slot but your partner doesn't, that's fine. You will still get a baby from the breeding pair as long as you have participating parents.




Each slot/baby is 70$ each


Pair rates - Calculated for batch

saltie x saltie - 100% saltie

saltie x anything else - 30% saltie


lux x lux - 60% lux

lux x anything else - 10% lux


myth traits 70% of getting passed down each

unlisted 10%  of getting passed down each


The participating artists are;

occultic, Fleshh, Zincuddlefish, StudioMaz, Endivinity, Will

Tadpole semi-myo gacha

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Admin
We are trying out a new way to sell tadpole-myos!

Assuming you are already familiar with the tadpole nursery (under market), we are now stocking random tadpole semi-myos at a discounted snack price.


They work exactly the same as a normal tadpole myo, you just wont know which design you got until you buy it! They will be revealed a few hours after you buy them (you'll get a notification) 

This new method was incorporated in order to lower the prices a bit, as well as introduce a fun gacha element.
Let us know what you think in the discord/comments! 

A Holly Jolly DTE Event!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Admin


a DTE (draw-to-enter) is a character raffle you can enter by drawing other people's characters 



these are the DTE leeches! click their image for the profile

- You must be signed up on the site (in order to submit prompts!)
- You can draw your own leech, someone elses leech or the featured designs, they all count! 
- If drawing someone else's leech, make sure you have their permission and to tag/send it to them.
- You can enter a maximum of 2 times per leech. Here are the DTE prompts
- The finished piece has to be clean (only finished stuff, no sketches! Shading is optional) and it has to be a fullbody. (chibis wont be accepted!)
- By participating in this event, you agree to the Species TOS

:How To Enter:
- Once you have completed your art, please submit it to the DTE prompt
remember that you can only enter 2 times per leech!
you don't have to, but you can post these entries on social media!

? Prizes:

[Designs] The DTE design which you are entering the raffle for, they will be raffled off in the end of the event. 
[Snacks] - Each entry will earn you 150 snacks just for being submitted.


Site is now Live

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Admin

The site is live now, yay!

Prompts are already available! Have fun exploring the new site and hop onto discord if you need any help!