
Telepathy (Legendary)

Category: Mutations

An extremely rare ability only seen in ancient leeches, allowing them some degree of psychic powers.

Though the trait is classed as telepathy, this can present as telekinesis/levitation, super intelligence, hypnotism, and other similar mental alterations.

Wyvern Mutation

Wyvern Mutation (Cave)

Category: Mutations

Similar to Siren, wyvern-bodied leeches have developed only their hind legs. So far this has only been recorded in cave leeches, where there is less emphasis on the aquatic lifestyle of their aboveground cousins.

Many leeches with this trait are seen with wings which they use as rudimentary forelegs, resulting in an odd hopping or wiggling gait (completely different to leeches who have wings attached as a side-trait to their existing forelegs!), while those without wings have larger tails to act as a counterweight and could be better compared to dinosaurs.
These leeches have a very aggressive prey drive, and will bite first and ask questions later, striking hard and fast to both kill and swallow their food as without forelegs they do not have the mobility to hunt by other means.

Partial Fur

Partial Fur (Potion)

Category: Mutations

[Potion item]: Mange-on-a-String

A mutation in which a leech is covered in patches of fur. Unlike the Fur Body trait, fur doesn't have to cover every inch of the leech's body.

A result of improper breeding for a fur body leech, most often this trait resembles mange and is just as itchy and irritating.
Hopeful breeders attempt to turn the situation around by trying for leeches that look like they have prizewinning haircuts, but the skin irritation that comes with it is more than enough evidence against the practice.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their partial variant.

Partial glass

Partial glass (Potion)

Category: Mutations

[Potion item]: Glass Caps

A trait that only partially presents Glass or Transparent, allowing for significant amounts of the leech's body to remain normal.

Because they are neither fully normal nor fully glass, these leeches have a lot of physical difficulties, including movement. Healing rate is often greatly reduced, especially in the glass portion of the body, as its cells become confused due to the change of texture. Owners must be extremely thorough with their care.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

For Partial Glass, the trait can only use glass OR transparent; not both. Be aware of the visual distinctions between the traits!

Bubble breath

Bubble breath (Potion)

Category: Mutations

[Potion item]: Natural Soap

A simple elemental mutation which allows a leech to create long-lasting bubbles or foam from its mouth or on its body.

It is recommended to keep children away from Bubble Breath foam as it is created using a somewhat potent mucus, which can be mildly toxic if ingested, and incredibly difficult to clean out of clothing.


Deadn't (Potion)

Category: Mutations

[Potion item]: Sham Ham

A mortal injury that should otherwise result in death. This covers open wounds, guts hanging out, impalement, and even decapitation - though in the case of head removal, the head must remain with the leech somewhere.
Refer to this information sheet and its description!

Given that the wounds stay perpetually open, it's likely that it's a mutation tending towards Legendary-tier; a mild telekinesis that instead perpetuates life and function of the main body.

Decapitated leeches must be fed down their exposed neck. Their head cannot be taken too far away or cremated without killing the leech itself.

Note: Healed limb amputations and scars can be used freely, and do not need this trait.

Color change

Color change (Potion)

Category: Mutations

[Potion item]: Snack Sorbet

This  mutation allows for a completely new palette to be added, allowing the leech to swap between the two at will.

Occasionally a leech has been known to develop chromatophores, the same skin color alteration found in octopi and cuttlefish. While not able to sport the wild color and pattern flashes and movement of their cephalopod friends, leeches with color change have been known to flicker rapidly between two different sets of colors.
Despite hopeful breeders, the pattern on the leech's body remains the same.

Note: This is not a free reign ticket to swap out a leech's palette on redesign; it is a trait. The leech's main colors should be its primary image, with the second palette added as an alternative.

Only one additional palette per upgrade can be added; multiple palettes will require multiple items.

Feathered body

Feathered body (Potion)

Category: Mutations

[Potion item]: Harpy Feather

The leech has sprouted feathers all over its body!

Much like fur body, this trait cannot be partial - the leech's entire body must be covered in feathers. However, not all of these feathers are large and gaudy; like a bird they often possess smooth body coating and down, giving them a sleek appearance.

It was thought to be a mutation of fur, but closer analysis revealed it to be a mutation of scales, resulting in soft branching keratin  with a texture much like human hair. Leeches with this trait frequently have skin irritation and will engage in dust baths, scratching, and in some cases where it becomes neurotic, they will stress-pluck themselves bare, leading to a spiral in health as regrowing the feathers is even itchier than having them stay.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Bone structure

Bone structure (Potion)

Category: Mutations

[Potion item]: Bone Juice

An outcrop of skeletal structures attached to or emerging through a leech's body.

Leeches don't naturally have bones, therefore leeches with this trait are considered cursed and they are often outcast by other leech monsters. To make it worse, the process of growing bones itself is incredibly painful, and a leech will often have chronic pain due to unnaturally forced nerves and connective tissue around the bone structures.

Note: The bones can be free-standing such as vertical rib shapes, but must still be a fused part of the leech's body; for example, a skull replacing the upper portion of a leech's face is allowed, but a free-hanging skull on a pelt hoodie is not.
Limbs and traits such as hand ears or wings can be combined with this to create skeletal limbs, but it cannot be used to replace parts of a leech that require vital tissue, such as the entire head or neck.

Slime body

Slime body (Uncommon Myth)

Category: Mutations

The body consists of thick slime which drips and melts off as the leech moves.

Leeches with this trait are able to digest pretty much anything simply by enveloping it and they can almost entirely melt into a puddle, and can reform as long as their organs remain intact inside. With all that being said however, they dissolve in deep water.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Title (Legendary)

Category: Mutations

Legendary class leech monsters have a honorary title that sets them apart and makes them a legend.

Most often this is a title given to them by awed or afraid people who have witnessed it grow over many years into something beyond a myth, but sometimes highly intelligent legendary leeches are inclined to choose their own title, and bear it proudly.

Unusual size (Legendary)

Category: Mutations

A legendary leech can be any size, without limit - from microscopic to absolutely cosmic in proportion.
Most legendaries will comfortably reside somewhere in the Very Large category, ranging from vehicle to whale. There are some solitary cults among people that believe the universe is contained within the belly of a leech.

Elemental Power (Legendary)

Category: Mutations

A legendary will often have some sort of elemental or object-related affinity, allowing them to manipulate it at will.
It is extremely versatile and expansive as a trait, often used to explain very unusual occurrences in these leeches. It can range from hydro- and pyrokinesis, unusual body shape or components and auras, to controlling seasons, space, and even time around it!

Fur body

Fur body (Common Myth)

Category: Mutations

A coating of soft fur across the entire leech's body. Many leeches sprout thick tufts, but frequently it will present as a soft downy pelt, similar to velvet or peach fuzz.

A highly sought after trait, its nearly unheard of on wild leeches. Fur is hard to breed and pets/mounts with this trait sell for quite a bit on the market. The most sought out pet leeches after the Luxury class is the Angora breed, which are pedigree pets with luxurious fur.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Plush body

Plush body (Uncommon Myth)

Category: Mutations

The body is soft and looks like it's made of various arts and crafts materials, with the insides being made of cotton.

Leeches with these traits won’t bleed out even from deep wounds, and can stitch themselves back together.
These leeches' needs are completely opposite from the norm when it comes to moisture: the drier the better. Too much exposure to damp will actually make them sick. They're highly popular as pets for homes with children.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Garden body

Garden body (Uncommon Myth)

Category: Mutations

The body is much denser and nutrient-rich, allowing the growth of plants.

While not all of the leech must be covered in or replaced by leaves and flowers, the trait refers to the potential rather than what can be seen. An unmaintained plant body leech may eventually become a miniature walking jungle, but most like to selectively groom themselves.

These leeches maintain a symbiotic and often codependent relationship with the plants that grow on them; the leech provides nutrients, while the plants keep the leech alive beyond its years. That being said, a garden leech is only as healthy as the plants on its back.
Many owners like to cultivate and maintain a single plant type on their leech, and particularly traditional enthusiasts like to introduce bonsai trees as a symbol of longevity.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Glass body

Glass body (Uncommon Myth)

Category: Mutations

A variation of transparent body, only the organs have been combined with the skin in an osmotic capacity, leaving a completely hollow shell that resembles glass or plastic.

Some leeches have pigments in their glasslike skin resulting in solid colored patches, such as the face or limbs, but the body underneath is still hollow.

They have a tendency to hoard items such as sand, candy, jewels or even liquids within their body as a protective measure, but this can result in them getting shattered by people who want to get at the treasure inside. Owners of these leeches tend to be rich enough to have very strong home security to prevent such breakages, and show them off with valuables inside as a display of wealth.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Food body

Food body (Uncommon Myth)

Category: Mutations

A mimic-type mutation that caused the leech's body to resemble delicious human food.

Hugely popular among pet leeches, this is also oddly enough seen in wild-types who seem to prefer preying on people.
While it looks like food, the leech's body is still made of skin and flesh, and any nonsolid shapes such as cream or sauce is usually a secretion of slime, or blood byproducts such as plasma. Ordinary leech flesh is already unpalatable, but a food body leech is as disgusting as they can get.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Solid body

Solid body (Uncommon Myth)

Category: Mutations

An unusual mutation that calcified much of the leech's body to resemble stone.

The body is hard like a rock; it cracks over time from the leech’s movement and is frequently infused with metals, rocks, or other inorganic materials from the environment. They have a hard time moving fast, but will get there in the end!
These leeches can endure dry environments, but any deep wounds won’t heal well and it might just crumble apart - often the leech's internal organs become a series of very fine tubes and veins throughout the body much like a tree, so that if permanent bodily damage happens it will not result in immediate death.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Extra head

Extra head (Uncommon Myth)

Category: Mutations

A mutation in which a leech grows a second head.

The extra head may share the same consciousness as the original but it may just as well develop its own personality. They still retain a basic level of intelligence, however; two brains don't result in much thinking beyond a double craving for food!

Note: This allows for one extra head per upgrade, but multiple upgrades can be made for more heads.

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