
Extra long tail

Extra long tail (Potion)

Category: Tail

[Potion item]: Magic Eclair

A tail that is longer than the leech's body.   Visual Reference Guide

While some tails are longer than others, typically a leech's tail is only as long as its body. This odd mutation caused it to grow up to three times the body length. 
Longer tails have been recorded, but they are very easily damaged and tend to have reduced mobility, especially in the wild where it can be caught or attacked easily. 

Puffball tail

Puffball tail (Common Myth)

Category: Tail

A thick puff of fur surrounding a tail, shaped similarly to a bulb.

This trait is highly sought-after in pedigree circles. Well-groomed and pampered leeches with a puffball tail will usually have incredibly dense and spherical fur.

Note: Other tail types may be applied, but they must remain short and as rounded as possible.

Sucker Tail

Sucker Tail (Cave)

Category: Tail

A strong tail with a suction cup-like extrusion on the tip for adhering to cave ceilings.
Cave leeches with this tail are ambush predators, and can hang in wait for weeks at a time in a partial hibernation state, waiting for prey to pass below. Tiny cave leeches will cluster together across an entire cave ceiling and rush their target as one, overwhelming it in an instant.
The larger the leech, however, the more vestigial this trait becomes as their body becomes too heavy to hold up for long amounts of time.

Greyhound hoodie

Greyhound hoodie (Normal)

Category: Hoodie

Like a sharpei dog, the leech's skin has grown extra rolls that have bunched at the head and front paws.  This skin is Non-Adjustable, meaning the 'sleeves' can't be rolled up or the 'neck' rolled down! 

Greyhound hoodies usually occur on pet leeches and were initially bred as a fashion statement for the elite, but the chunky turtleneck style became a big hit with children and popularized the trait with many pet owning families.  Occasionally the trait will develop in a wild leech, which usually results in some interesting wild animal footage.

Sweat hoodie

Sweat hoodie (Normal)

Category: Hoodie

Extra folds of skin have grown around the leech's neck, creating a wide and comfortable hood!  Due to the flexibility of the Sweat variation's skin, the resulting hood can be worn up over the leech's head or comfortably down around the neck, just like your favorite sweatshirt! 

When a hood develops it's not uncommon to find that a comfortable pouch of skin has also grown on the leech's belly, which it uses for storing a variety of important things from young to snacks to whatever else the leech decides has value.  Domesticated leeches may also be willing to hold your belongings and valuables, and it isn't unheard of for the wealthy to give small heirlooms to their leeches to protect.  

Suit hoodie

Suit hoodie (Normal)

Category: Hoodie

Similarly to the Sweat trait, the Suit leech features an adjustable hood but it differs in the fact that the can completely close over the leech's head and generally sports an eye-like protrusion on either side. 

This makes it appear as though it were a cute (or creepy) creature mascot! 
Leeches featuring this trait are usually shy but affectionate, though in the wild the false hood is often used for intimidation.  Once a popular breed to showcase at carnivals and give as birthday presents, an incident where a breeder's suit leeches escaped into the wild resulted in many wild offspring sporting this trait.  It became a problem when they came out to hunt at night, terrifying humans who caught glimpses of them out of their windows or lingering between the trees in the local park and forest.

Note: Only the hood around the face can be opened or closed. The rest of the skin is a permanent fixture to the leech's body - it cannot be climbed out of like an actual suit.

Tailmouth hoodie

Tailmouth hoodie (Normal)

Category: Hoodie

The Tailmouth is an extra grown layer of skin over its tail resulting in a faux head where the true tail resembles a writhing tongue.  A weak muscle keeps the mouth closed most of the time, though it can be manually popped open by tugging at the zipper-like feeler located on one end of the faux mouth. 

This trait is primarily used for intimidation and occurs more often in the wild, the faux mouth snapping open when the leech is frightened or enraged.  Oftentimes when people report sightings of a two headed leech, careful examination must be conducted to make sure it wasn't simply a startled leech with a Tailmouth hood. 

Note: This is not a second head, and should not be treated as such. Traits that can appear normally over the rest of the body/tail can be applied here, such as see-all eyes and spikes. The overall shape should stay basic tail-like.
This can be applied successfully to any tail trait, but both Tailmouth and tail trait must be visibly obvious.

Pelt hoodie

Pelt hoodie (Normal)

Category: Hoodie

More of a disorder than a desirable hoodie variation, Pelts occur when the leech makes an attempt to shed its skin and loses the ability to slough it off part of the way through.  While the limbs, tail, and certain edges of the pelt are loose and can flop around freely, the spine of the pelt is still firmly attached to the leech's back and cannot be removed. 

More often than not the pelt will change to a different color or pattern from the leech's normal skin, and may sport the appearance of feelers and other traits, making it look like it belongs to a different creature.  Opinions on Pelts vary, as some regard it as the product of a poorly raised leech, while others consider it 'Metal as F**k'

Note: It can sport head and body traits as long as they remain within the trait's limits; i.e horns that appear on the pelt's head count as the single allowed horn set without a myth upgrade.
The snout of the pelt must retain a standard leech mouth.

Kigu hood

Kigu hood (Normal)

Category: Hoodie

A popular cross between two other variations, the Kigu is often considered 'Suit-lite' and features a baggy extra layer of skin over the leech's body combined with the comfortable open hood of the Sweat variation. 

This makes the leech look floppy, adorable, and pajama party ready, making it a big hit with families and neighborhood petting zoos.  Kigu leeches are often bred to look like other animals or popular mascots, and can fetch a high price depending on how cute and close to the original they can get!  An unexpected side effect of breeding this variation, however, is the 'buttons' that often appear on the front of the Kigu - Nine times out of ten, they're actually the leech's eyes.

Cone hoodie

Cone hoodie (Potion)

Category: Hoodie

[Potion item]: Odd Strawberry

The cone hoodie is an elongated hood. Its length can vary from a short point to extending as long as the entire leech! Like the other hooded traits, this hoodie can also be moved up and down off the leech's head.

Unusual wild cases recently have been seen sporting this trait with additional body traits, making it look like the leech has two bodies joined at the head. Experts initially thought it was an odd case of pelt hoodie attaching to the leech's head, but on closer inspection it was a mutated hood trait.
Because of its sudden new appearance, it's thought to be a hidden genome in hooded leeches that triggers growth with an unknown factor.

Note: This can be combined with the Tailmouth to give the cone hood a zipper mouth at the end of it. This does not count as a tail, and tail traits cannot be added to it; the hood tip that pokes out the end should be plain.

Fur body

Fur body (Common Myth)

Category: Mutations

A coating of soft fur across the entire leech's body. Many leeches sprout thick tufts, but frequently it will present as a soft downy pelt, similar to velvet or peach fuzz.

A highly sought after trait, its nearly unheard of on wild leeches. Fur is hard to breed and pets/mounts with this trait sell for quite a bit on the market. The most sought out pet leeches after the Luxury class is the Angora breed, which are pedigree pets with luxurious fur.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Transparent body

Transparent body (Common Myth)

Category: Mutations

A genetic mutation in which a leech monster has such thin skin over its entire body that its brain, teeth and internal organs are visible through it.

While leeches with this trait are definitely cool to look at, they require extremely special care in order to remain healthy!

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Siren mutation

Siren mutation (Normal)

Category: Mutations

A leech that develops without hind legs.

A frequent and common development of wild leeches that spend a lot of time in deep rivers or lakes, they make powerful swimmers. To move on land they tuck in their front legs and slither, though shorter fatter members may bounce along the ground much like a seal.
Pet owners of these leeches may have to rethink the accessibility of their homes; stairs are difficult for them!

Note: This trait is normal-tier and free for use, but only applies to hind legs. There is no trait that removes front legs.

Extra limbs

Extra limbs (Common Myth)

Category: Mutations

Another pair of legs, or even arms!

A mutation that's actually more common in the wild than expected, often due to damage and odd development. Pet leeches with extra traits are known to be either very clumsy or very cunning, and will break into things and climb places they shouldn't.

Note: This allows for one pair of limbs per upgrade, but multiple upgrades can be made for more limbs.

Extra tails

Extra tails (Common Myth)

Category: Mutations

A development of an entire extra tail.

Once thought to be similar to split tail, extra tails are more of a genetic disorder and cannot be intentionally bred for. Most of the time these tails are the same trait, but there are records of mismatched tails, often to startling degrees.
These leeches are masters at storing nutrients: double the tail, double the storage. They eat vast amounts to compensate, and can quickly bankrupt an owner.

Note: This allows for one extra tail per upgrade, but multiple upgrades can be made for more tails.


Wings (Common Myth)

Category: Mutations

A magnificent pair of wings! They can be any shape or type; insect, bat, feathered, and more have been recorded.

As extra limbs, these can be moved at will, but a leech with wings is still not able to fly, as their body is too dense and lacking in a solid support. Flight-capable leeches are actually using a Legendary telekinesis to levitate and propel themselves.

Note: This allows for one pair of wings per upgrade, but multiple upgrades can be made for more wings.
If beetle wings are used, the elytra shell can be included.

Extra head

Extra head (Uncommon Myth)

Category: Mutations

A mutation in which a leech grows a second head.

The extra head may share the same consciousness as the original but it may just as well develop its own personality. They still retain a basic level of intelligence, however; two brains don't result in much thinking beyond a double craving for food!

Note: This allows for one extra head per upgrade, but multiple upgrades can be made for more heads.

Solid body

Solid body (Uncommon Myth)

Category: Mutations

An unusual mutation that calcified much of the leech's body to resemble stone.

The body is hard like a rock; it cracks over time from the leech’s movement and is frequently infused with metals, rocks, or other inorganic materials from the environment. They have a hard time moving fast, but will get there in the end!
These leeches can endure dry environments, but any deep wounds won’t heal well and it might just crumble apart - often the leech's internal organs become a series of very fine tubes and veins throughout the body much like a tree, so that if permanent bodily damage happens it will not result in immediate death.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Food body

Food body (Uncommon Myth)

Category: Mutations

A mimic-type mutation that caused the leech's body to resemble delicious human food.

Hugely popular among pet leeches, this is also oddly enough seen in wild-types who seem to prefer preying on people.
While it looks like food, the leech's body is still made of skin and flesh, and any nonsolid shapes such as cream or sauce is usually a secretion of slime, or blood byproducts such as plasma. Ordinary leech flesh is already unpalatable, but a food body leech is as disgusting as they can get.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

Glass body

Glass body (Uncommon Myth)

Category: Mutations

A variation of transparent body, only the organs have been combined with the skin in an osmotic capacity, leaving a completely hollow shell that resembles glass or plastic.

Some leeches have pigments in their glasslike skin resulting in solid colored patches, such as the face or limbs, but the body underneath is still hollow.

They have a tendency to hoard items such as sand, candy, jewels or even liquids within their body as a protective measure, but this can result in them getting shattered by people who want to get at the treasure inside. Owners of these leeches tend to be rich enough to have very strong home security to prevent such breakages, and show them off with valuables inside as a display of wealth.

Note: Body types cannot be partially applied or mixed outside of an official or legendary capacity. A leech can only have ONE type of body mutation. These are any traits in the trait list with the name 'body' in the title, e.g Fur body, Solid body, Feathered body, etc. OR their official partial variant.

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