Submission (#3442) Approved

31 March 2024, 14:41:53 UTC (1 month ago)
9 April 2024, 09:57:52 UTC (1 month ago) by SparklyOwlGuts


Hello! sorry this was really late I had so many stuff
going on. I kinda lightly shaded meaning that it's shaded but hard to see a bit.

I craziest thing about this prompt that this took 14 days.

I added the prompt on a different site mostly just for privacy and small similarities that's all. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Happy easter morning! :D

And if you don't know what german chamomile or Philadelphia wildflower is. search it up. mostly the
chamomiles is mostly made for herbal tea which
In case makes you very sleepy and is known for
sleepy tea. P.S a mix of lavender & chamomile

while the other hand Philadelphia wildflower
is rarey made for tea and blooming mostly
in the northern eastern hemisphere of the US.

In fact I have them in my region
corn chamomile too but it's more smaller a bit
Then you're regular domesticated German
chamomile. 🌼

i hope it's aprovved I was worried it will happen
again as the last prompt I posted.

yey :)

Sein has really a true collection of flowers. 💐


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MSCT-810: Sein

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