Profile F-284: Venus

Owned by anzunite
 april 12th

 leech monster (wild class)
 unofficial pest exterminator 
  • admiring herself
  • attention
  • sunbathing

Venus is a common sight at a local botanical garden. Guests are often alarmed by her at first, but quickly become accustomed once they observe that her appetite only extends to rodents that disturb the flora. The gentle way that she demands love and attention suggests that she may have once been a house pet. Her behavior can be described as cat-like in most aspects, although she does enjoy a dip in the fountain once or twice a day. Veen spends the majority of her time lounging in the sun and admiring her own reflection. Some see her as vain, but she's always happy to convince others that they're almost just as good looking as she is. Venus is also quite the exceptional ambush hunter despite being alarmingly pink.

  • mud
  • the color orange
  • heights
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