Suit hoodie (Normal)
Similarly to the Sweat trait, the Suit leech features an adjustable hood but it differs in the fact that the can completely close over the leech's head and generally sports an eye-like protrusion on either side.
This makes it appear as though it were a cute (or creepy) creature mascot!
Leeches featuring this trait are usually shy but affectionate, though in the wild the false hood is often used for intimidation. Once a popular breed to showcase at carnivals and give as birthday presents, an incident where a breeder's suit leeches escaped into the wild resulted in many wild offspring sporting this trait. It became a problem when they came out to hunt at night, terrifying humans who caught glimpses of them out of their windows or lingering between the trees in the local park and forest.
Note: Only the hood around the face can be opened or closed. The rest of the skin is a permanent fixture to the leech's body - it cannot be climbed out of like an actual suit.